How Much Does a Custom App Cost- Understanding the Parameters

Custom App Development Cost

The valuation of the global mobile application industry was $106.27 billion in 2018 and is forecasted to touch $407.31 billion by the year 2026, at a CAGR of 18.4%. This statistic is enough to make you aware of the sheer dominance that mobile apps have across the globe. 

It’s also not surprising that all multiple and major businesses are looking to invest in custom software development to take a pie of the significant returns that are in store for them in the future. 

But what about this investment that you are supposed to add to a mobile app for its development? What are the parameters involved, and how do you go about it with an enterprise software development company?

Let’s find out. 

Factors to Calculate the Cost of Custom App Development

Figuring out the time taken to estimate a development cost is a suitable parameter, but it’s very dynamic too. If your developer charges by the hour, it largely depends on the number of hours the development completes. 

Here are some factors that are very helpful in calculating the app development cost:

  • iOS or Android? The Operating System under Consideration
    • What is your preferred platform choice for app development? Is it Android or iOS? While the best option is to have your app on both of these platforms, it is best to start with a platform that fits your initial requirement to perfection, and you want to test the waters first. 
  • iOS –
    • Developed by Apple for its product line comprising iPad, iPhone, and Macs, among others, it’s a seamless platform in all significant aspects. 
      • The Good
        • The guidelines are rigid, bringing better-developed and more secure apps to the fore.
        • iOS users have better variations and ranges in terms of app engagement.
        • Apple’s release cycles are consistent, meaning developers of every software development company provide heightened focus on the latest APIs.
      • The Bad
        • The rigid guidelines leave little room for experimentation and innovation.
        • The constant maintenance can take the overall costs of iOS apps upwards. 
  • Android –
    • Developed by Google, Android is the most popular operating system for multiple Android devices and finds many users annually.
      • The Good
        • Better market penetration and reach with a huge user base across every industrial domain.
        • Huge availability of an open-source community with considerable access to Android mods.
      • The Bad
        • Users spend lesser time and have lower media engagement on an average basis.
        • Android faces multiple issues with compatibility, various versions, and different screen architectures. 
  • General Charges by Mobile Developers
    • Custom app development project costs differ greatly for developers in terms of their experience.
      • Given below is a short insight into the rates developers normally charge for a custom app project:
        • Android app developer: $25-80/ hour
          • Developers for Android may have their skill set in different frameworks like Corona and Ionic, too, beyond the usual Android SDK, Java, and Android Studio. Depending on their portfolio, charges may range from the ones mentioned above.
        • iOS app developer- $45-80/ hour
          • Apart from the basics like Swift and Objective C, many iOS developers are also skilled in different frameworks like Cocoa, UIKit, and more. Again, the more complex the learning frameworks, the higher the charges.
        • Xamarin developer- $25-40/ hour
          • It’s a free cross-development platform for building amazing mobile applications. Xamarin developers can build apps for both iOS and Android applications. If your tech stack depends heavily on the Microsoft environment, a Xamarin developer can help to perfection.
  • Mobile Technologies to Choose From
    • The technology you choose for your custom software development will define the outlook of your final mobile app. You have three options there:
      • Web App
        • In technical terms, it is a user-friendly website on mobile devices too. So if you are a small-scale business, this is an excellent option.
      • Hybrid App
        • This app boosts the time taken for app development by using three major development technologies: CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. As a result, it offers better overall performance.
      • Cross-Platform App
        • Such platforms allow app building in a single development language with a single code to be compiled into multiple platforms when needed. 

A Few Final Words

In the end, to estimate the development cost, it is important to understand that there will be a considerable difference in what you choose to go with: whether you hire a freelancer or a good software development company. 

While an app will cost roughly $100,000 to $400,000 to hire a company, a freelancer will charge less, where the cost will range from $50,000 to $150,000 for a six-month development project. 

If a professional enterprise software development company is your choice, then BoTree Technologies and its services are highly recommended.